Institute of Post-Rationalist Cognitive Psychology and Psychotherapy
Founded in 1997 by Vittorio Guidano and Giampiero Arciero, the Institute of Post-Rationalist Cognitive Psychology promotes the research, training and clinical practice in the field of psychology and psychiatry, with particular attention to dialogue with medicine.

Training in Post-rationalist cognitive psychotherapy
We teach and train psychologists, medical doctors and psychiatrists as psychotherapists able to put the meaning of personal experiences at the center.
For us, the individual differences in experiencing emotions are the key to developing research projects in neuroscience, psychology and medicine.
Scientific articles, books and reviews
Our theoretical and conceptual framework appears in books translated into different languages, and in a series of scientific articles published in specialized, internationally recognized, peer reviewed journals.

Many questions move our research:
How can we really understand ourselves and the other?
Why do people feel the same emotion in a different way?
Is it the way of feeling emotions that determines the person’s character or vice versa?
Is my way of being already defined despite me?
What is the relationship between emotions and body, especially when the latter is affected by a disease?
Having at the core of our interests the understanding of the personal experience in its uniqueness, we search answers in a continuous dialogue with the domains of psychology, psychiatry, hermeneutic phenomenology and neuroscience.

We follow these three main lines:

A critically founded understanding of psychology and psychiatry as the practical sciences of personal, historical and embodied experience.

The development of empirical research projects, especially in the neuroscientific field, which take into account individual differences according to the different ways of feeling emotions.

The definition of a methodology for a psychotherapy able to access to the uniqueness of personal experience and respect it.

Latest news
New book
Selfhood, Identity and Personality Styles
Giampiero Arciero & Guido Bondolfi 2009 Wiley - Blackwell Medical Journalists' Association Open Book Awards | 2010 Specialist readership section "It is hard to say whether this book is critical theory or medical psychology, but it skilfully blends elements of both...
International Society of Research on Emotion, University of Berkeley, CA, August 3-5 2013
Mazzola V. et al._poster session