Training in Post-Rationalist Cognitive Psychotherapy

For a phenomenological psychotherapy

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School of Specialization in Post-rationalist Cognitive Psychotherapy

Since 2003 we qualify psychologists and medical doctors to practice a psychotherapy able of focusing on the meaning and interpretation of personal experience.

icona training IPRA

Training in Post-Rationalist Cognitive Psychotherapy

The four-year course aims to train psychiatrists and psychotherapists to practice psychotherapy according to the methodological, theoretical-cultural and clinical orientation of the Institute.

Recognized as a postgraduate training by the Swiss Society of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy SSPP

For any further information do not hesitate to contact us:

Conferences, Events and Seminars

EABCT Ginevra 2012

PRE CONGRESS WORKSHOP Why are the emotions the basis of Identity? A post-rationalist approach to psychoterapy Dr. Giampiero Arciero  The experience of Self is the starting point of our research. Seeking to discuss the issue of the pre-reflective awareness from a...

Memorial Lecture

V.F. GUIDANO & M.J. MAHONEY MEMORIAL LECTURE 2012 14 gennaio 2012 Precedenti incontri

VIII edition “Constructivism, Phenomenology and Brain Imaging”

VIII edition  "Constructivism, Phenomenology and Brain Imaging" Scarica il PDF del programma "Si terrà a Bari dal 14 al 18 Giugno 2003, presso la Fiera del Levante, l'ottava edizione di un congresso mondiale destinato a tutti i clinici e agli studiosi che si occupano...